Saturday 11 December 2010

landscape should be protected

The Colosseum of Rome at Night
Photo by: Wikipedia

First Unrestored Tower From Jinshanling to Simatai
Photo by:beggs

Have you ever seen this kind of pictures? Have you ever been to famous places? Did you ever discovered some world famous landmarks are damaging under the nature and human disaster?
 Someone may think that as a ordinary person we should just let it go, because we can do nothing to stop it.
Only the specialists should consider these kind of question. This is totally wrong.

Look at the rubbishes in the river, you will find there is something you could do to protect landscape.
Just begin with the smallest things. For instance, keeping your rubbishes with your when you are visiting a famous landmark.

Looking at this sign on the Great Wall. If you would like to join us, rubbish will never be homeless.

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